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In Vizzu you can set the geometric elements used to represent your data by the geometry property within the config object. This is where the library shines - beautifully animating between the geometries!

Switching the geometry to area.

Info - How to setup Vizzu

In HTML, create a placeholder element that will contain the rendered chart.

  <div id="myVizzu">

In JavaScript, initialize and configure the chart:

import Vizzu from ''
import data from ''

let chart = new Vizzu('myVizzu')

await chart.initializing

    data: data,
    config: {
        channels: {
            y: {
                set: ['Popularity']
            x: {
                set: ['Genres']

    config: {
        geometry: 'area',

Drawing a line chart.

    config: {
        geometry: 'line',

Switching the geometry to circle. This setting is the most useful when used together with the size channel, as shown in the next chapter of the tutorial.

    config: {
        geometry: 'circle',

Rectangle geometry is the default setting in Vizzu, used for most common charts like bar and column charts.

    config: {
        geometry: 'rectangle',