Bubble to Column
Info - How to setup Vizzu
, create a placeholder element that will contain the rendered
<html> <body> <div id="myVizzu"> </div> </body> </html>
In JavaScript
, initialize and configure the chart:
import Vizzu from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vizzu@0.9/dist/vizzu.min.js' import { data } from 'https://lib.vizzuhq.com/0.9/assets/data/chart_types_eu.js' let chart = new Vizzu('myVizzu') chart.initializing chart.animate({ data })
This Vizzu animation consist of 2 steps (animates):
- move the Dimension from the Label channel to the Y-axis
- move the Measure from the Size channel to the Y-axis
- add the other Dimension to the X-axis
- switch the Geometry from Circle to Rectangle
- remove the other Dimension from the X-axis
- add the Measure to the Label channel too
chart.animate({ config: { "channels": { "color": "Joy factors", "label": "Country_code", "size": [ "Country_code", "Value 2 (+)" ] }, "geometry": "circle" } }); chart.animate({ config: { "channels": { "x": "Joy factors", "y": [ "Country_code", "Value 2 (+)" ], "label": null, "size": null }, "geometry": "rectangle" } }); chart.animate({ config: { "channels": { "y": "Value 2 (+)", "label": "Value 2 (+)" } } });