Vizzu / Modules / types/styles
Module: types/styles
- Axis
- AxisLabel
- AxisTitle
- Box
- Chart
- DataPoint
- Font
- Guides
- Interlacing
- Legend
- LegendMarker
- Logo
- Marker
- MarkerLabel
- OrientedLabel
- Padding
- Plot
- Text
- Ticks
- Tooltip
Type Aliases
Ƭ Angle: `${number}rad` | `${number}grad` | `${number}deg` |
`${number}turn` | number
Angle can be set in radians, degrees, gradians and turns. Radians is the default unit.
Ƭ Color: `#${string}` | `rgb(${number},${number},${number})` | `rgba(${number},${number},${number},${number})`
The following CSS color formats are available: rgb(), rgba(), #RRGGBB
, #RGB
Ƭ ColorGradient: ColorStop
`${ColorStop},${ColorStop}` | `${ColorStop},${ColorStop},${ColorStop}` |
`${ColorStop},${ColorStop},${ColorStop},${ColorStop}` |
`${ColorStop},${ColorStop},${ColorStop},${ColorStop},${ColorStop}` | string
Color gradient is specified by a comma separated list of ColorStops. This is used when a measure is on the color channel.
Ƭ ColorPalette: Color
| `${Color} ${Color}` |
`${Color} ${Color} ${Color}` | `${Color} ${Color} ${Color} ${Color}` |
`${Color} ${Color} ${Color} ${Color} ${Color}` | string
Color palette is a list of colors separated by spaces. This is used when only dimensions are on the color channel
Ƭ ColorStop: `${Color} ${number}`
Color and position pairs separated by spaces, where position is a number between 0 and 1.
Ƭ ColorTransform: `color(${Color})` | `lightness(${number})` |
`grayscale(${number})` | `opacity(${number})` | "none"
The following CSS like filters can be used to alter the color:
- color: overrides the color.
- lightness: lightens or darkens the color; 0 means the original color, -1 means black, 1 means white.
- grayscale: desaturates the color. 0 means the original color, 1 means fully desaturated.
- none: no change.
Ƭ Label: Padding
Represents a Label.
Ƭ Length: `${number}px` | `${number}%` | `${number}em` | number
Length can be set in pixels or in percentage of the element or the element's font size. Pixel is the default unit.
Ƭ NumberScale: "SISymbol"
| "shortScaleSymbolUS"
| `${string},${string}` |
`${string},${string},${string}` | `${string},${string},${string},${string}`
| string
Number scale for human-readable big number formats. There are built in formats:
- SI Symbols: k, M, G, ...
- Short scale with US abbreviations: K, M, B, T
- Short scale with UK abbreviations: k, m, bn, tn Can be set to custom format with a comma separated list of strings e.g: 'thousand,million,billion,trillion'