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Vizzu / Modules / vizzu

Module: vizzu


Type Aliases


Ƭ Feature: "logging" | "tooltip" | "rendering" | "cssProperties" | "coordSystem" | "htmlCanvas" | "shorthands" | "pivotData" | "pointerEvents"

List of base and additional features:

  • logging: enables logging of the library to the console (switched off by default).
  • rendering: enables rendering of the library to the canvas (enabled by default).
  • tooltip: tooltips on the chart appearing on markers on mouse over. Since the tooltip uses the animation interface, calling animate() while the tooltip is enabled can cause unwanted behaviour.
  • cssProperties: enables setting the styles through --vizzu-... css properties.
  • shorthands: enables shorthand properties for chart config and style.
  • pivotData: enables setting the data in pivot table or data cube format.
  • pointerEvents: enables pointer events on the chart.


Ƭ LibOptions: LoaderOptions

Options for the library.