The background color of the displayed text.
The color of the displayed text.
Defines the transformation used for calculating the label color from the marker color.
The family of the font. If not set, it inherits the root style font family.
The size of the font. Percentage values are relative to the root style font size
The style of the font.
The weight of the font, numbers use the same scale as CSS.
Sets the order of values on the label if both a measure and a dimension are present.
The maximum number of digits in fraction part if the text contains a number.
The format of the number. Only applicable for texts showing numerical data such as marker and axis labels. 'grouped' uses thousand separators, 'prefixed' uses scientific notation.
Orientation of the label relatively to the axis or marker it is attached to.
Bottom padding of the element.
Left padding of the element.
Right padding of the element.
Top padding of the element.
The label position relatively to the marker.
The alignment of the displayed text.
Generated using TypeDoc
Additional rotation of the label.