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Chart layout

Vizzu has three separate parts of the chart layout: the plot area that contains the chart, the title containing the chart title on the top, and the legend on the left. Vizzu automatically hides the legend when it’s unnecessary to show it. When the title is not in use, Vizzu hides that part automatically as well. Each of these parts have their own paddings on all four sides that adjust to the chart size by default, but can also be set with the appropriate settings in the style object. All size parameters can be set in pixel, percentage and em.

We add different background colors to the parts of the layout to show how they are aligned.

Info - How to setup Vizzu

In HTML, create a placeholder element that will contain the rendered chart.

  <div id="myVizzu">

In JavaScript, initialize and configure the chart:

import Vizzu from ''
import data from ''

let chart = new Vizzu('myVizzu')

await chart.initializing

    data: data,
    config: {
        channels: {
            y: {
                set: ['Popularity', 'Kinds']
            x: {
                set: ['Genres']
            color: {
                set: ['Kinds']
            label: {
                set: ['Popularity']

    style: {
        backgroundColor: '#A0A0A0',
        plot: {
            backgroundColor: '#D2D2D2'
        legend: {
            backgroundColor: '#808080'

Setting the width of the legend.

    style: {
        legend: {
            width: 50

Setting the legend width back to its default value.

    style: {
        legend: {
            width: null

Changing the title paddings. By default, the title is horizontally centered above the chart. In this example, we set the title’s left padding, resulting in the text moving to the right.

    style: {
        title: {
            paddingTop: 20,
            paddingBottom: 20,
            paddingLeft: 200

Setting the title paddings back to their default values.

    style: {
        title: {
            paddingTop: null,
            paddingBottom: null,
            paddingLeft: null

Changing the paddings of the plot area to position the plot. The texts on the axes are drawn on the padding of the plot and not the plot itself.

    style: {
        plot: {
            paddingLeft: 100,
            paddingRight: 100

Setting the plot paddings back to their default values.

    style: {
        plot: {
            paddingLeft: null,
            paddingRight: null