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Chart presets

Throughout this tutorial, we have shown you how to create charts with Vizzu using a chart type-agnostic, uniform way without being limited to a predefined set of available charts. But sometimes, when you know the chart type you want to use, it is easier to start with that and skip configuring it from scratch. For this reason, Vizzu provides preset chart configurations for many known chart types. See the preset gallery for all available presets.

Use the methods of the presets static property of the Vizzu class to build a chart based on a preset. These methods return chart configuration objects that can be passed to the animate method. For example, this is how to create a stacked bubble chart using its preset.

Info - How to setup Vizzu

In HTML, create a placeholder element that will contain the rendered chart.

  <div id="myVizzu">

In JavaScript, initialize and configure the chart:

import Vizzu from ''
import data from ''

let chart = new Vizzu('myVizzu')

await chart.initializing


    size: 'Popularity',
    color: 'Kinds',
    stackedBy: 'Genres',
    title: 'Using a preset',

Presets will override all channels, removing all previously set series from the chart. Using a preset will also explicitly set most chart configuration parameters. Exceptions to this are the legend, title, reverse, and sort properties that can be set while using a preset. Here's an example of a preset where chart elements are sorted by value.

    angle: 'Popularity',
    radius: 'Genres',
    stackedBy: 'Kinds',
    sort: 'byValue',
    title: 'Set sorting for a chart preset'

As you will see, the preset doesn't override the previously configured sorting and wouldn't affect the rest of the chart config parameters mentioned above either.

Presets will affect chart configuration, but you might also want to set the style or the underlying data. In this case, you can use the more verbose syntax below, explicitly passing the preset to the 'config' property of the animate method's parameter.

    config: Vizzu.presets.radialBar({
        angle: 'Popularity',
        radius: 'Genres',
        title: 'Setting style for a preset'
    style: {
        'plot.xAxis.interlacing.color': '#ffffff00'


You can also access presets via a chart promise, for example Vizzu.presets.radialBar is equivalent to chart.constructor.presets.radialBar.